Story of Patanjali:The Sage behind Yoga
Who was Maharshi Patanjali and why this name often appears in the field of Yoga? Basically, there is no such detailed information available on Patanjali. However, they say that he was the person who wrote all those Yoga Sutras ( guidebook of classical yoga), written approximately 1,700 years ago. It is made up of 195 aphorisms/sutras, or in easy ter ms words of wisdom. Though Yoga was being practiced in the pre-Vedic period, the great Sage Maharshi Patanjali systematized and codified the then existing practices of Yoga, its meaning and its related knowledge through his Yoga Sutras. After him, many other Sages and Yoga Masters gave whole lot of contribution for the preservation and development of this field through their literature and well documented practices. The existence of Yoga can be found through h istorical evidences in the pre-Vedic period (2700 B.C.), and thereafter till Patanjali’s period. The main sources of infor...