Yoga: need of the hour

Yoga for Fitness

It is a well known fact that we human beings nowadays have a really busy and hectic life. This causes a lot of stress and ultimately leads towards several kinds of physical problems such as high blood pressure, cancer, diabetes, obesity, asthma and so on. All these stuffs make it necessary for all of us to include Yoga in our daily lives and live a healthy and happy life. Yoga contains rhythmic breathing which enables to release the stress from our system and it gradually improves our physical fitness.

You must be surely unaware of the fact that even the yoga positions which look simple gives a complex, effective and multi-dimensional toning to the body along with maintaining its proper shape. Such as in the positions done on the floor: you simply lie and hold a position while you breathe and during those 40 (or more or less) seconds that the position lasts, your whole body gets a complex workout where most of the muscles of the body is trained and toned which ultimately gives a relaxed and soothing feeling to the body and mind.

 Yoga for fitness poses work on your entire body, burn fat, and tone muscle. Including some of  these useful Yoga poses into your daily routine will help for your overall improvements of body and will enable strength and fitness.

How to make a fit body with yoga?

A healthy body through yoga is just four steps away:
1.Warm-up with joint movements: Includes light asanas
2.Yoga postures: Include sun salutations, Padmasadhana
3.Relaxation: After doing yoga, it is important to lie down and relax for a few minutes by taking your attention to various parts of the body also helps.
4.Pranayamas and meditation: Regular doing of pranayams and meditation adds to the positive effect of yoga.

There are numerous benefits of Yoga for both physical and mental fitness. On Physical level, it helps in improved blood circulation, stronger immune system, improved cardiovascular system, lymph system & respiratory system, less fatigue and balanced cholesterol level. Likewise, on Mental level, it makes your mind peaceful which complements a healthy body. Yoga releases the toxins that get accumulated in the cells of our body due to everyday stress. This makes the mind more calm and peaceful.

With Regular yoga practice, you also start to burn unnecessary fat, so your cholesterol level is balanced. Another beautiful aspect of  yoga is the feeling of freedom you get in the body and the mind as you become more centered, strong and flexible.


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