Did you ever know that Yoga can make your entire day active & lively? Yeah! It actually does

In past few decades, we all have come across both physical and mental powers of Yoga. But, did any of you ever notice the fact that Yoga brings the wholesome energy that stays with throughout the day that begins from the early morning itself. I will share you my personal experience regarding this.

 Many of us (mainly Youngsters) staying alone away from family be it at hostel, paying guest or with friends for various purposes like study, job,etc. Such people (including me) have a practice of waking up only with the help of morning alarm and incase somehow you forget to set up alarm for the day, the chances of getting up late is more than 90% and this results in missing out the lectures or being late to office. Now, coming straight to the point after getting into the practice of Yoga , this has never ever happened to me and I wake up by my own in the morning at the same time and no more alarm is required. Once you do Yoga on daily basis or three/four days in a week, it will automatically start converting you into an active person and you will not need any device like mobile or clock to wake you up. This is really a beautiful example of how Yoga can make a person physically active.

So, we talked about the morning part, now moving on to the rest of the portions of a day we do see changes which are pleasant and better as soon we start practicing Yoga. This practice make you feel light both mentally and physically and here your everyday routine is half done. Basically, when you are full of energy and fresh after doing yoga , your mind works perfectly and so does your body. The words like laziness, tiredness and so on gets removed from your dictionary of daily life. And yes, this encourages people to follow this path more religiously like a morning ritual and you rule where ever you go be it at work or in personal life. 

Now, let us  go through some Yoga poses that will enable you to become active and full of energy. Below mentioned are some quick and easy yoga poses. Yoga do have so many benefits including increased flexibility,  strength and blood flow. These 10 poses will energize you and get your day started right.

Easy Backbend : Under this pose, your feet should be hip-width apart for stability with your hands supporting your head and cervical spine. This benefits you by backbends stretch and strengthen arms, shoulders, back and core muscles.  This pose also helps in better respiration, improves digestion and increases awareness.

Fan Pose: Here what you need to do is sit tall at front edge of the chair with feet firmly on the floor, and make sure your back is off the chair. Be assured that  the spine is not curled. Your heart should be center and your chin should be forward. Shoulder blades are pulled back. If shoulders are tight or there is pain in the shoulders, you must keep your arms low on the chair.

This pose is a ‘heart opener’ which stimulates the immune system, opens upper respiratory muscles and stretches shoulders and arms. It also increases awareness of the action of the shoulder blades, aids in digestion and stretches the belly.

Pose of Gratitude: In this pose, your feet need to be wide stance with toes pointing out. Put your palms out and raise arms up. Lengthen your spine and look up. Use the chair for extra balance/support if needed.  Engage your leg muscles when lifting. This strengthens feet, legs and arches. It increases focus and awareness as well as core and back strength.

Take It Around Town: So what you need to do here is make sure to keep your knees loose and slightly bent. Then, try to get weight onto all sides of the feet. This pose strengthens feet, legs and arches.  This pose increases focus and awareness, as well as increases synovial fluid in bursa sacks surrounding hip joints. 

Press Ups: First you need to have proper alignment in body. Then, take a chair for extra support if needed. You must engage legs and core, and lift heels off the ground while pressing firmly into balls of feet. Exhale as you lower your heels to the ground and gaze at a stationary focal point. This pose strengthens legs, ankles, feet and arches and also increases focus and awareness along with boosting up core strength.

Extended Mountain Pose: You can identify from the name mountain that here you need to stand tall with feet parallel and relax tail bone down for a neutral pelvis. Hold palms outward and raise arms up with shoulders down and extend through fingertips by placing weight into heels. Benefits of this pose include increased awareness of posture over all. It also lengthens the entire spine ad can help to improve balance when practiced with eyes closed.

So, what are you thinking now, start doing these simple poses from tomorrow and see how brings energy and activeness in your life. Good Luck!


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