Forms or Styles of Yoga

As we know very well that Yoga is kind of a deep ocean wherein there exists a wide variety of yoga disciplines to choose from. Yoga can be practiced to improve your strength, flexibility or just to remain fit and balance your health. It further helps to release stress, quietens your thoughts, and helps you loosen up, summed up together it gives you mental peace. People often get confused on the Yoga style to be followed. Well, I would say one should choose a style that is in sync with your current fitness levels and your personality.

By knowing what you hope to achieve through your yoga practice will also help you figure out one of the styles that suits you best. Firstly, think over it, you want to practice yoga to improve your health, release your stress, gain strength, to make your brain active, lose weight or relieve some kind of pain.As soon you get the answers to this, your job is done. All you need to do is to come out of your comfort zone and challenge your inner self stating " You can do it". With each passing day, you will start becoming more and more dedicated towards it and the day you become a perfect yoga practitioner wont be far. 

Let's know about some really useful and major Yoga styles. 

Hatha Yoga

Hatha yoga is a comprehensive term including all forms of yoga based in physical practice."Hatha" is  Sanskrit term meaning an umbrella for all physical postures of yoga. In the West, hatha yoga simply means all the other styles of yoga that are grounded in a physical practice. But, there are some other branches of yoga such as kriya, raja, and karma yoga that are separate from the physical-based yoga practice. The physical-based yoga is the most popular and has varieties of styles. This yoga is best for beginners since they are usually paced slower than other yoga styles. Hatha classes nowadays are a classic approach to breathing and exercises and if you are a beginner  to yoga, hatha yoga is a great entry point to the practice.

Iyengar yoga

This is the yoga founded by B.K.S. Iyengar. It basically focuses on alignment as well as detailed and precise body movements. This form of yoga is best suited for those who want to work on injuries and joint problems.These postures are held while holding your breath and the duration of each pose increases with expertise. The perfect pose is achieved with the help of props like traps, blocks, and blankets. This practice great improves stability, mobility , strength and flexibility. In an Iyengar class, students perform a variety of postures while controlling the breath. Iyengar relies heavily on props to help students perfect their form and go deeper into poses in a safe manner.

Kundalini yoga

This is equal parts spiritual and physical and is physically demanding and mentally challenging and involves a lot of meditation, chanting, mudras and breathing exercises.  This style is all about releasing the kundalini energy in your body said to be trapped, or coiled, in the lower spine. These classes really work This style is for those who are looking for more than a workout.your core and breathing with fast-moving, invigorating postures and breath exercises.

Ashtanga yoga

The Sanskrit term Ashtanga means "Eight Limb path." Ashtanga yoga involves a very physically demanding sequence of postures and is definitely not for a beginner. Ashtanga starts with five sun salutation A's and five sun salutation B's and then moves into a series of standing and floor postures. It takes years of practice to master this form.

Yin yoga 

This is a slow-paced style of yoga with seated postures that are held for longer periods of time. If you are not into too much hectic activity, then Yin yoga is just the practice for you. Yin is a great class for beginners, as postures can be held from 45 seconds to two minutes. Yin can also be a meditative yoga practice that helps you find inner peace. The classes are relaxed, as you're supposed to let gravity do most of the work.

Apart from these, there are several other important Yoga forms such as Anusara yoga, Jivamukti yoga, Prenatal yoga, Restorative yoga, Bikram yoga and Vinyasa yoga. 


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