The connect between Yoga & Meditation
We all know very well that Yoga and Meditation are interconnected in one or the other way and are often linked together. Let us know more about the relationship or connect among these two.When practiced together, both yoga and meditation can help to strengthen the connection between the body and the mind. It results in the betterment of health and overall well-being. There exists many different styles of yoga routines that combine meditation with the physical activity. These routines are unique in that they utilize deep, controlled breathing during the poses.
One should keep in mind that you can practice meditation without getting into a yoga routine. This can be done by simply relaxing, keeping your mind clear and concentrating on deep breathing. But, when used on a regular basis, yoga and meditation have proven to offer several health benefits.
Meditation is a kind of necessity in our multifaceted lives, and yet it doesn’t come easily for most people. many people want to try it, but they find it is more difficult than they ever imagined. How difficult can it be? Sitting up straight takes muscles that we may not use, and that may take time to develop. Maybe we sit at a desk all day long, but our back is hunched over the computer. Sitting up straight and still may feel quite uncomfortable.Yoga postures are a great way to prepare the body for meditation. Yoga is not only rejuvenating for the body but also the brain. Yoga postures were actually designed to systematically prepare the body to meditate, though with much of the yoga available nowadays, the link to meditation is rarely mentioned.
Meditation and yoga are interrelated. They are both part of the Eight Limbs of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras and go hand and hand. They work together to unite our small self with our higher soul self. One cannot be present without the other. We people need to be aware of the body in order to forget about it, in order to go inward in meditation.
By practicing yoga regularly, stress responses are reduced in the body. When the inflammatory responses to stress in the body is reduced, a person’s chances of developing stress related health conditions like heart attacks and high blood pressure also gets reduced. When you decide to reduce the stress in your life, eat better and become more active, you will experience better health. Today’s modern living is full of stressful situations. Being tired and getting little sleep can combine to create anxiety disorders and other stress related disorders.
Yoga and meditation not only improves the quality of your life, it may also increase your lifespan. Where the breath flows, the mind goes. In yoga and in meditation, one can raise our consciousness. Yoga enables us to bring the body to a point of stillness by clearing away the restless energy we carry around, and prepares us to become fully immersed in deep concentration, meditation. Yoga such as chanting, can help open our hearts and allow the energy to flow upward, to the higher chakras and higher consciousness.
So what are we waiting for! Let's include meditation and yoga both into our daily workout regime and live a healthy and happy life.
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