Can Yoga go Wrong?

As we know, Yoga is  known as a physical, mental and spiritual practice that has enormous benefits. Yoga helps us in many ways and serves as a life saver in many cases. A lot of people these have started to shift towards Yoga for a healthy living. However, does everyone of us do Yoga in correct manner? The answer is no! So many people out there do some or the other mistake in doing Yoga and are still unaware of it. 

This generally happens because most of the people practice Yoga by watching Youtube Yoga Tutorials and this self practicing many wrong at times as there is no one to guide physically and also wemany tend to forget or miss out onto the instructions given in the tutorials.There are numerous online tutorials and videos available that tell us how to perfect Pranayam or Bhujangasana, but are we following these asanas correctly? As per the Yoga experts the most common mistake made is that they get the posture wrong. Suppose, not activating the core in strengthening poses could lead to back problems, hyperextension of knees and muscular injuries. You need to keep your pelvis neutral and focus on breathing as it will help activate the core in strengthening poses.

Likewise, most of the times we don't know which asanas suit our body and keep doing something else and do not get any effective results. It is often said that anyone can practice Yoga, but is it actually so? The health conditions like heart ailments and respiratory problems could get worse if you practice the wrong set of asanas, and this could damage your body instead of curing it. Such as the simplest one called Yoga Mudra, a forward-bending asana while sitting on your heels, could lead to high blood pressure among patients.The quality of breathing is also a serious issue for so many people in and out of yoga classes and it needs to be addressed in the search for a healthier practice and longer life. Tight schedules and lack of time usually leads people to start their yoga classes straightaway with asanas, another common mistake that leads to the workout being wasted. 

Yoga is all about feeling and bhavana contemplation. You can’t be thinking that it is the last day to pay your EMI bills and doing Pranayam. The complete concentration on your mind and body is needed and this can be done by meditating for five minutes at least before starting your Yoga practice. Therefore, you need to either do do Yoga under the guidance of some Yoga teacher or should be careful conscious enough while doing Yoga.


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